Friday, February 29, 2008

Nanny-states are good... for students

I was reading over at IlliniPundit suggestions on how to deal with Unofficial. One commenter suggested that the police deliberately harass bar patrons. Another suggested the bar entry age be raised to 24 or 25. Both are of questionable legality, I suspect. Several other commenters suggested the Mayor use his powers as Minister of Alcohol (or whatever) to force the bars to close for this weekend.

Judging from the smoking ban brouhaha last year, I guess we can conclude:

  1. Government interference into the lives of bar patrons who choose to legally drink: Good
  2. Government interference into the lives of bar patrons who choose to legally smoke: Not just bad, but a sign the United States is turning into a Communist country

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Of course, because conservatives and liberatarians love governmental interference in the lives of people they dislike...or are jealous of.